Cllr W Delf (Chair)
Cllr S Thubron (Vice Chair)
Cllr P Cardwell
Cllr M Pattinson
Cllr H Grant
Cllr K Foster (North Yorkshire Council)
B Jones (Clerk)
J MacNamara (item 9.1.23)
7 Members of the Public
1.1.23 |
Chair’s Opening Remarks
Cllr Delf welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
2.1.23 |
Election of Chair
It was duly Proposed, and Seconded that Cllr Delf be nominated as Chair for the 2023/24 Municipal Year.
Cllr Delf was duly elected.
3.1.23 |
To Receive the Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Cllr Delf completed the relevant paperwork. |
4.1.23 |
Election of Vice Chair |
It was duly Proposed, and Seconded that Cllr Thubron be nominated as Vice Chair for the 2023/24 Municipal Year.
Cllr Thubron was duly elected.
5.1.23 |
To Receive the Vice Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office |
Cllr Thubron completed the relevant paperwork. |
6.1.23 |
Election/Appointment of Responsible Financial Officer |
It was duly Proposed, and Seconded that Miss B Jones be appointed as the Responsible Financial Officer for the coming municipal year.
Due to an overlap in the 2022/2023 financial year, the end of year finances will be signed by Miss B Jones and Mr J MacNamara as RFO’s.
7.1.23 |
Declaration of Interests |
The Clerk reported that as this was the start of a new Council term there was a requirement by all Councillors to complete a new Declaration of Interests form. However, if there is no change in circumstance, last years can be brought forward. The Clerk to send out new form to Cllr Grant to complete.
As there was no further business the meeting closed at 7.35pm
1.1.23 |
To receive and note apologies for absence
There were no apologise for absence. |
2.1.23 |
To receive ‘Declarations of Interest’ in items on the agenda
Cllr Cardwell and Cllr Grant indicated a personal interest in Sleegill related matters.
3.1.23 |
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 30th January 2023
The Clerk advised J MacNamara has requested to transfer the Parishes bank account and the and registry request into B Jones’s name. |
Pending a few minor hand amendments, the minutes on 30th January 2023 were approved. |
4.1.23 |
Appointment to YLCA – 2 Members |
It was duly Proposed, and Seconded that Cllr Delf and Cllr Thubron be appointed as the YLCA Members for the coming municipal year. |
5.1.23 |
J MacNamara |
Cllrs formally acknowledged Jon for his hard work over the years.
6.1.23 |
Notice Board
Cllr Foster has recommended the Parish to receive a grant on behalf of North Yorkshire Council of £300.00 towards the purchase of a replacement notice board at Holly Hill.
The Clerk to gather quotes.
7.1.23 |
Reports of previous month’s meetings etc. - to hear from Parish/District/County Councillors on any meetings attended or other information of interest to the Parish Council
Cllr Foster reported he attended meetings at the Council that discussed how the new Council is operating there is agreement overall the system is operating quite well. Cllr Foster advised to report to him problems you may encounter and he will contact the department responsible, if residents have any issue with the Council system let him know. |
Executive member for transport visited the division, Cllr Keane Duncan and was shown any relevant issues in the area. |
Cllr Foster advised he will continue to represent the residents regarding the issue of the right of way that is still ongoing in Sleegill. |
The Clerk to investigate grass cutting for the layby down Theakston Lane and the matter of the provision of an additional layby along Theakston was raised.
Cllrs to send details to Cllr Foster regarding the speeding post and where it is to be installed. |
8.1.23 |
Planning & Planning Updates |
Trees near The Station are being tided up |
Planning Permission was granted for Stables at the Barn. It was agreed on the basis hedges would be planted. The Clerk to follow up.
9.1.23 |
Finance |
Jon MacNamara joined via Zoom to give an overview on the Annual Audit report. He advised the Parish is in a strong financial position due to decisions the Cllrs have taken over the last year and spoke through the details. |
The Parishes closing balance as at 31st March 2023 is £4036.99 |
It was duly Proposed, and Seconded that Cllrs accepted the accounts. |
The Parishes Insurance is due for renewal this month and it’s the last year of the three-year fixed price. The new Clerks details have been updated. |
10.1.23 |
Any other business |
Cllr Cardwell received a letter from North Yorkshire Police inviting residents to sign up to receive information regarding any unlawful activity happening in the area. The Clerk to send a copy to other Cllrs |
Cllrs discussed any correspondence being sent officially by Cllrs on behalf of the Parish needs to be shared with all Cllrs as a standard protocol and should be sent using the Parishes email address.
As a matter arising from 5.10.23 of the Minutes of 27th February 2023, whether a letter had yet been written to Yorkshire Water was raised. |
11.01.23 |
Dates for the next meetings |
Thursday 14th September 2023 – 6.30pm Thursday 7th December 2024 – 6.30pm Thursday 7th March 2024 – 6.30pm
As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm. |